Monday, January 30, 2012

Car for Blind Drivers

Some days ago I read in a local newspaper a short article about a great technological invention that has been developed with the goal to help blind people who want to drive. It is a car for blind drivers; it doesn’t have any visual interface and it doesn’t need remote assistance. I though in that moment that it was impossible and a little crazy, so I decided to find out more about this car.  I was reading and I think that is an interesting invention and I’d like to share some interesting information about it with you.  This car was developed in United States. The car has sensors in all its parts (doors, rear, bumper, hood, etc) and these sensors send information to a car’s computer that processes all the signals. They are sent to special gloves and vest that the drivers must wear. By this means, the drivers can know what is happening in their environment and they know how drive the car. The car was testing on a track of obstacles and it didn’t have any mistake.  This car is a very clear demonstration that the technology is doing things that for us are impossible. It’s given opportunities to people whit visual limitations to achieve a dream that seemed unattainable before.


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